Sunday, 08 February 2009

House on Tinley Manor Beach

The House in Tinley Manor is progressing with the indoor heated pool being the focus of design attention at the moment. The photos show the conversion of the existing outdoor pool into the enclosed space where water features and casual seating areas will need to be created.

The second pool, which has extensive views of the sea and leads off from the gym area will be surrounded by decking and will include a jacuzzi. The 5 bedroom house is going to be magnificent when completed.

The first floor landing has feature recess walls which have been tiled with small glass mosaics which have a blue tinge and on closer inspection look to have water dropslets inside each mosaic.

There is still a way to go in finishing the indoor area before the furniture, curtains and carpets can be installed. We are looking forward to completion so we can see the full effect of the overall design of this beautiful home.

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