Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Nemeth Trend Report

Craig and I attended the Dave Nemeth Trends Report, a talk organised by The South African Institute of the Interior Design Professions and sponsored by PG Bison.  The talk took place at the Durban Country Club on Tuesday 12th April 2011 and was a huge success according to those that attended.

The report was aimed to inform those in the Interior Design industry about 2011 trends taking us into 2012.  It was a real eye opener and we thoroughly enjoyed Dave's insight and vision.  There are some amazing buildings, materials and concepts out there internationally that I was unaware of and I found it extremely informative.

Another aspect that I found extremely relevant was the section on Marketing.  Marketing is such an important part of any business but is often overlooked or is the first to be cut from the company's spending budget.  Many Interior Designers look to magazine advertising to inform the public of their services whereas Viral Media is becoming more and more relevant.  So don't be left behind.

A really insightful lecture and has made me so much more aware of the choices available to those of us in the Industry.  Thank you to Dave Nemeth, PG Bison and the IID for bring this great lecture to Durban.  Apparently there will be another talk towards the end of the year, I am looking forward to it.

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