Monday, 13 February 2012

Stress & Interior Design

I suppose until you completely understand what a profession entails you won't ever understand the stress that goes on behind the scenes. Our job is not all shopping and fabric launches I assure you!

Deadlines. Deadlines strike fear into the heart of any interior designer. Things have to happen by a certain date; drawings need to be done, quotes need to be received, contractors need to be chased, clients need to attended to, payments need to be made, furniture needs to be sourced and emails need to be answered. And that is just for one job! Multiply that by however many projects you have on the go at any moment and you will suddenly find that an 8 hour day is just not even an option any more.

Stress is unavoidable, but it's how we deal with it that sets us apart from each other. We all have different ways of coping, but irrespective of how bogged down and hopeless it sometimes feels the sun still rises and sets each day. Although it's never as soon as we like, hard work is always rewarded when the time is right. Take my advice and try not to stress your life away, it's really not worth it. Unless of course you want grey hairs like me!

Deep breath.

You can do it!

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